Thursday, January 12, 2012

Flash Back

Something unusual happened on Tuesday 10Jan as I was getting out of the suburban after arriving a bit early to work. I heard Canadian Geese honking in the distance and the sounds were getting closer. I can't remember ever hearing that sound since I've been in Texas. I immediately flashed back to my younger days growing up and being at my grandma's. The Canadian geese were always flying over her house, almost like she was in a flight path. They also liked the little lake (really just a tiny pond) that was just down the way, Tulivan pond. Wow, what a time lapse that was to think about. I had such great times as a kid and I would always look up and watch the geese as they flew over, and I did that same thing just standing there in the parking lot watching these geese fly by. I'm sure anyone who saw me surely thought, wow, has this guy never seen geese before? LOL. My travel back in time didn't last long, maybe a few minutes, but it was such a nice feeling and put a huge smile on my face as I walked into work to start the day. Funny the things you remember and how certain sounds or sites can seemingly take to back to another place in time. It's the best time travel there is!!!

Cheers All

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